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Yoga Teacher Trainings

200 hrs Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training in Phuket, Thailand

Join our 200-hour Multistyle program and become a certified yoga teacher with a wide perspective. Learning tools and components from various yoga styles will give you a great ground base for a lifetime of practice, as well as for being a skillful teacher to students with different needs.



Is it time for a shift in your life?

A yoga teacher training is an opportunity to embark on a new and deeply meaningful professional journey, as well as an opportunity to become more connected to the essence of who you are.

200 hrs CertificationReceive a certificate of international standards from a Yoga Alliance RYS200, opening up for you to teach globally.

25 days Learning Retreat in ThailandPractice yoga on our rooftop on a lush mountain, overlooking the Andaman Sea. Enjoy healthy food and nurturing frames as you learn and grow.

An investment for life: Deepening your understanding of yoga together with others will have a transformational impact. Investing in health and awareness is a gift to yourself that will keep giving endlessly.

Join the 200-hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training at Andaman Yoga Academy!

Give the gift to yourself of new skills and transformation. Join us in Phuket fall 2024 and let your new life adventure begin. Spend 24 days with daily practice, healthy food and vitalizing routines, as you expand your understanding of yoga in the supportive company of teachers and fellow students.


15. September - 11. October, 2024 

TBA, 2025

Why choose us?

Small Groups: Small groups of 5-12 participants. Connective practices to create trust and comfort within the group and a safe space for learning and expanding.

Multistyle approach: Our Multistyle Training provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to be a versatile and successful yoga teacher.

Hybrid Yoga Journey: Blend online learning with in-person experiences in our hybrid training. Gain knowledge of yoga anatomy and philosophy at your own pace through online modules, preparing you for immersive onsite training. Unlock access to the Yogobe portal for 3 months, enriching your practice with 300+ videos.

Affordability & Quality: We offer high-quality Yoga Teacher Training at an affordable rate, without compromising on comfort. Take advantage of our early bird discounts and enjoy a luxurious learning journey.

Make your vision become reality at Andaman Yoga Academy!

Are you dreaming of turning your passion for yoga into a profession? Are you a curious yoga practitioner who want to deepen your practice? Do you want a wide understanding of the yoga methodologies, with space for reflection and creativity, rather than one single approach?  Do you want a broad foundation and/or a deeper dive into one or more aspects of yoga?

Our training is a journey in three steps, where you learn what you need to start working professionally as a Yoga Teacher. You will get comprehensive training in guiding people through asanas and flows, energy methods and breathing practices, in a safe manner. You will learn to adjust sequences and methods to suit different purposes, individuals, and groups. At the same time, you deepen your own understanding of yoga in ways that will lift your personal practice to a new level.

Our lead teachers are senior teachers each with more than 20 years of experience, and each with extensive experience of teacher trainings. Upon completion of the full 200-hour program, you will get the Andaman Yoga Academy Teacher Certificate, and you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT200.

Why Multistyle?

We are a contemporary school with a solid foundation in tradition, yet we do not strictly follow one single lineage or one single way of practicing. One might use the methods of yoga to aspire towards self realization and towards living more fully in the present moment, and ultimately, our practice might take us in that direction. Still, there are so many different ways to practice, that will bring on different benefits and suit for different circumstances. Many embark on the path of yoga as a way to improve health and wellbeing, in general as well as more specific. HOW and WHAT we practice will greatly impact the effects we gain!

Approaching yoga as a set of tools and being curious about its many different facets, we might be able to tap into its large spectrum of benefits and support a larger variety of students, than if we choose one approach only. We also believe that different approaches can add much value to each other.

Joining a Multistyle Training, you might find some approaches that speak more to you than others, and choose to continue your yoga exploration along that specific path, supported by knowledge and perspectives from the insights gained from the Multistyle perspective.

Program Structure

The training is built up in 3 steps, via online self-studies and 24 days of onsite immersion at our beautiful center in Phuket, Thailand.

Step 1 – Online Preparation – 35 hours

Study our associate Yoga Anatomy (20 hrs) and Yoga Philosophy (15 hrs) online before arriving to the onsite Foundation Program. Note: Completing Step 1 is mandatory to receive the AYA Teacher Certificate. Read more here!

Step 2 – Residential Foundation Training – 125 hours

During week 1 & 2 of the Onsite Training, you will learn the basics of teaching yoga, focusing on tools rather than style or pace, in an informed and safe manner. You will learn the basics of asana (posture) and flow, pranayama, meditation, and deep relaxation, from a wide angle. You will learn about biomechanics, cueing and class management, modifications and adjustments, the basics of sequence building, and much more. 

Taking a starting point in Hatha and Flow Yoga, you will get familiar with tools and methods from several perspectives such as Anusara Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Vedic tradition, and Buddhist tradition.

Step 3 - Residential Specialization Week - 45 hours

Week 3 of the onsite training will be a specialization week where you go deeper into one specific approach to yoga and spend more time with that perspective. In our trainings of August and September 2024, the Specialization Week will focus on Vinyasa Flow and Mantra Chanting Meditation.

Steps 1+2+3 = AYA 200-hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training Program

Upon completion, you get the AYA Teacher Training Certificate. We are registered with Yoga Alliance and your Certificate carries the RYS 200 logo.

200-hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training: Hatha & Vinyasa

Everyone aspiring to become a Yoga Teacher with AYA starts with the Online Preparation Courses, where you will learn about the anatomy of the body and nervous system in relation to yoga and the underlying history and philosophy on which yoga is based.

During weeks 1 & 2 of the Onsite Training, you will learn the basics of teaching yoga, focusing on tools rather than style or pace, in an informed and safe manner.

Our guiding principles are mindfulness, alignment, and room for individual variations. The aim of the Foundation is to gain skills to guide groups through classes at beginner and intermediate levels, including breathing, relaxation, and meditation techniques. We will explore the energy approach to yoga based in Hatha as well as introducing the art of creating flow and skillful sequencing.

During week 3, you will advance your skills in Vinyasa Yoga, both as a practitioner and a teacher. The focus will be on energizing and uplifting postures, more tools for vinyasa style sequence building, and breathing in motion. You will sharpen your skills to structure a class, to cue visually, verbally as well as using hands-on, and to maintain rhythm and flow in your teaching. This week will also include an in-depth exploration of chanting mantras as a meditation method, focusing on the vibrations of the voice and pronunciation of Sanskrit words and phrases.


200 hrs Multistyle Teacher Training – Hatha & Vinyasa includes:

  • Anatomy for Yoga teachers – 20 hours online – Self-paced course
  • Yoga philosophy and history – 15 hours online – Self-paced course
  • 3 months Yogobe Membership – an online portal with 350+ yoga classes in English
  • Comprehensive 200-page teacher training manual
  • Teacher-led yoga practice 120 minutes every morning on site, including asana, pranayama and meditation
  • Practical and theoretical exploration of asanas, focusing on technique, safe and functional movement, and on giving clear cues
  • Skills to creatively build complete sequences
  • Skills to guide verbally, choice of words, language, pace, and "holding space."
  • Tools to guide basic Pranayama Methods and Kriyas
  • Methodologies for practicing and guiding relaxation and mindfulness meditation
  • Group and Individual – Inclusivity and Modifications
  • Tools to practice and teach strengthening and invigorating, more physically demanding yoga positions and flows
  • Gaining skills in creating a faster flow and skillfully build Vinyasa sequences and classes
  • Crafting classes with a clear theme, finding your own personal expression and language
  • Knowledge to further develop pranayama beyond the basic techniques, focusing on methods that are stimulating and energizing
  • Manual adjustments with the aim of optimizing practice while highlighting the student's own power and strength
  • Mantras as a vibrational practice, meditation and voice training

Techniques, Training & Practice

  • Daily 120-minute Teacher-led morning practice
  • A wide range of Asana with modifications
  • Tools and inspiration from various schools - Hatha and Vinyasa as well as inspiration from Anusara, Ashtanga, Yin and Iyengar yoga.
  • Asana Lab: Key Alignment Principles, Key Anatomy and Technical Breakdown
  • Classic Hatha Yoga
  • Hatha Flow - Breath, Transition & Flow Technique
  • Vinyasa Flow – Slow Flow, Progressive Flow, Power Flow
  • Meditation Techniques – Mantra Meditation, Witnessing Meditation, Breathing Meditation
  • Pranayama Techniques and their progression
  • Deep Relaxation Techniques
  • Bandhas – the Energy seals
  • Subtle Body Anatomy
  • Historical Context of our practice

Professional Essentials

  • Daily Teaching Practice
  • Guiding Asana, Flow, Kriyas, Pranayama, Relaxation & Meditation
  • Cueing – Verbal, Visual, Manual
  • Skillful Sequencing – Structure and Creativity
  • Skillful Sequencing – Slow Flow, Progressive Flow, Power Flow
  • Class Management
  • Teachers' Individuality and Authenticity
  • Yoga Teacher Ethics in Practice
  • Yoga Teacher Professionals
  • The Business of Yoga
  • Theoretical and Practical Exam and in-depth Feedback 

Anatomy & Yoga Humanities

  • 20 hours online Yoga Anatomy – 12 months access
  • Anatomy of Breath & Bandhas
  • Anatomy of the Skeleton and Muscles
  • Principles of Movement
  • Mobility and Stability
  • The Circulatory system
  • The Nervous System
  • The Organ system
  • Classroom Anatomy: Asana Lab – Anatomy in Action
  • 15 hours online Yoga Philosophy – 12 months access 
  • Understanding important Philosophical Key terms
  • Self-Reflections and Self-Inquiries based on Yoga Philosophy
  • Philosophy in Action – 4 led online classes with Philosophy themes
  • Brief History of Yoga
  • Major Yogic Schools, Texts and Periods
  • Yogic Ethical Precepts and Practices 

Online Preparation – how it works. 

 The residential training is preceded by two mandatory, self-paced online courses: 20 hrs Yoga Anatomy and 15 hrs Yoga Philosophy. There are no live online sessions. You should ideally complete the online programs prior to the residential program. You will get access to both courses immediately after your first deposit payment. We recommend that you plan for a minimum of 1 month to complete the online courses. 

Yoga Anatomy: 
20 hours of self-pace studies including pre-recorded video material, quizzes and in-depth reflective questions. 
NOTE: There will also be reading tasks, and you need to buy a book to support the online lessons: David Keil, Functional Anatomy of Yoga. 
This course, guided by David Keil, will give a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of human anatomy, all connected to yoga and what you will need to understand as a teacher. The course covers basic terminology as well as major anatomical systems, including: connective tissue, the muscular system, neuromuscular principles, the nervous system (including vagal theory), the skeletal system, the components of breath and bandha, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.

Yoga Philosophy:

15 hours of self-pace studies including pre-recorded video lectures of which 4 hours is on-the-mat explorations of philosophical themes. In-depth reflective questions should be answered after each study chapter and sent in for review via email.
Once the residential and online content is completed, you will get your Andaman Yoga Academy Yoga Teacher certificate. 

The course, guided by Simon Krohn, will deepen your knowledge and understanding of how yoga philosophy applies to your everyday life. Yoga has the potential to have a transformational effect on your life. Unfortunately, it is very easy to get lost in a yoga practice, and just about any pattern in your life can sneak into the practice. The control freak is likely to become a “yoga control freak”, and if you are a bit too attached to being a success, you'll easily move towards trying to become a “yoga success”. With that said, we all have negative patterns that we get lost in, and the big question is: Are you tired enough of these patterns to do something about them? If you are serious about letting yoga have a profound, positive effect on your life, you need to look honestly at your life and your patterns and challenge yourself to try something new. This requires both courage and dedication, but it will most probably be worth the effort.

Residential Training
Sample Schedule Monday to Saturday, Sundays are days off

07:00 – 08:00  Morning Rituals, Hot Drinks available
08:00 - 10:00  Morning Practice
10:00 – 11:00  Brunch
11:00 - 14:00  Asana Lab / Anatomy / Practice Teaching / Pranayama
14:00 - 16:00  Late Lunch and Free time
16:00 - 19:00  Philosophy / Meditation / Mantra Chanting / Practice Teaching
After 19:00  Free time


Meet your teachers

Sandra Grundstoff - Leading Yoga Teacher
Internationally trained and certified Yoga Teacher with more than 1000 hours of studies in Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Yin, Yoga Nidra, and Menopause Yoga. Curious about most aspects of health and movement, Sandra is also trained and experienced as a Mindfulness Instructor, Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Ecstatic Dance DJ and vegan cook. Born in Sweden in 1975, Sandras' yogic journey started with meditating parents in her childhood, and in 1993, she encountered physical yoga, which triggered the spark for a life-long passion and profession. Sandra has been lead teaching Yoga Teacher Training programs as her main occupation since 2013, creating and founding the 200-hour programs at Axelsons Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, supporting over 600 students on their teaching path. She has a strong passion for the practice of mindful, embodied awareness, bringing it into the asana practice through attention to detail, with lots of space for the individual.

Alonso Aguilera - Leading Yoga Teacher
International Yoga Teacher with more than 20 years of experience practicing and teaching yoga in its different fields and forms. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Asana Clinics, Philosophy and Mantra Chanting are part of his background and teachings. Alonso has studied under the guidance of renowned teachers from all over the world as Sharath Jois, Saraswathi Jois, Mark Robberds, Loreto Cortes, Gustavo Ponce, BNS Iyengar and Shantala Sriramaiah, to name a few. Since 2016 his is dedicated himself to training new generations of yoga teachers in India, Thailand and Europe, he has trained more than thousand new yoga teachers under his guidance in YTTCs 200 hours. Alonso's commitment is to inspire others to realize their own gifts and powers and to step fully into their most brilliant self.

David Keil - Yoga Anatomy Teacher
David Keil has been practicing yoga since 1989 while still in High School. A Licensed massage therapist, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and Instructor of Kinesiology and Massage Therapy. David taught Yoga anatomy informally for many years before developing the YogAnatomy workshop in 1999, as he saw other teachers of yoga struggling with difficult anatomical concepts. He is the author of Functional Anatomy of Yoga, A guide for practitioners and teachers and has traveled worldwide presenting various yoga and anatomy workshops as part of hundreds of teacher training programs.

Simon Krohn - Yoga Philosophy Teacher
Simons first encounter with yoga was in 1996, when an Indian monk showed him six yoga poses and a meditation exercise, saying, "Do it every day and come back in a week." Now, he has been teaching yoga for twenty years and is certified as an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance. Simon holds a master's degree in philosophy with a specialization in Indian philosophy. He has lived and studied yoga and yogic philosophy in India, Australia, and the USA, and has also pursued further training in body therapy. Simon loves writing and is the author of two books. The first one is titled "Closer to Something," and it delves into the philosophy behind yoga. In August 2021, he released "Life and Breath," which focuses on the practice of breathing.

Your path to become a certified yoga teacher

1. Inquire for more details. Get connected with our lead teachers for more details

2. Application. Fill in the application form

3. Application Review. Our lead teachers will review your application in 48 hours and approve it, or ask for more details

4. Booking. After approval, you will get an email with link to pay your first deposit

5. Get access to online courses. Dive into your 15 + 20 hours of Self-study!!

6. Get ready to Phuket. Prepare your flight and transfers arrangements

7. On-site Course

8. Certification. Graduate at the end of the course and become a certified yoga teacher

Prerequisites and Application
Minimum age of 18 and English level to follow the training. Sufficient physical and psychological health and stability + a clear understanding of the training requirements. After receiving your application form, we will review your application as soon as possible. Upon acceptance, you will receive confirmation and payment link. We are currently being reviewed to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYS200 (Registered Yoga School 200 hours).


Come Hideaway
CC's Hideaway is a 4-star boutique hotel with modern accommodations and a stunning saltwater pool in the center. The building is adorned with a lush green wall of ferns that rises from the pool, giving it a natural and tranquil feel. Surrounded by pristine jungles, CC's offers a peaceful environment for guests to relax and unwind, with rooftop wall-less studios that provide breathtaking views of the lush hills, palm trees, and the endless ocean. The yoga classes here are especially rejuvenating, with the sweet songs of birds in the background adding to the atmosphere. CC's Hideaway provides easy access to 3 beautiful beaches: Kata Noi, Kata & Karon with a free shuttle running hourly.

What's included:

Our course includes everything you need, nice accommodation, food, transfers - you need to focus only on training.

Training Course

  • 12 months access to online courses
  • 3 month access to yogobe videos
  • on-site training
  • manual book
  • blablabla


  • Standard / Deluxe Room for 26 nights
  • Bathroom amenities
  • free high-speed Wi-Fi access
  • Smart TV
  • Airconditioner
  • Private balcony or semi-private patio


  • daily brunch
  • daily late lunch except Sundays
  • welcome dinner
  • farewell graduation dinner
  • cold-pressed juice or artisan smoothie daily
  • wide range of drinks for brunch, infused water for lunch
  • refill drinking water station


  • Roundtrip airport transfers
  • free beach shuttle to Kata Noi, Kata & Karon Beach daily from 9 am to 9 pm

Nice Additions 

  • Deep Healing Sound Bath - 1 session is included during your stay
  • Steam Room & Ice Bath - 3 sessions are included during your stay
  • Yoga Classes - unlimited free admission to yoga classes by our studio: Yoga Rooftop, inclusive Beach Yoga
  • One day of training on a Desert Island
  • One trekking adventure on a day off (Wildlife Sanctuary Trekking | Big Buddha Trekking)
  • Opportunity to teach real class with local students on exam week


Single Standard - 127.650 THB

  • 26 nights single Accommodation in a Standard room with a king-size bed
  • Airport Transfers round-trip
  • free beach & town shuttle hourly from 9 am to 9 pm
  • daily Brunch all you can eat
  • late Lunch Monday - Saturday
  • Training Course

Shared Standard - 112.700 THB

  • 26 nights shared Accommodation in a Standard room with 2 single beds
  • Airport Transfers round-trip
  • free beach & town shuttle hourly from 9 am to 9 pm
  • daily Brunch all you can eat
  • late Lunch Monday - Saturday
  • Training Course

Single Deluxe - 133.400 THB

  • 26 nights single Accommodation in a Deluxe room with a king-size bed
  • Airport Transfers round-trip
  • free beach & town shuttle hourly from 9 am to 9 pm
  • daily Brunch all you can eat
  • late Lunch Monday - Saturday
  • Training Course

Please contact us for Course only price at 

Prana Eatery
welcomes you to experience delicious, wholesome, nutritious, and natural foods that have been carefully and freshly prepared. With attention to local sourcing of quality organic foods, ecological sustainability, and support of small family farms. culinary inspiration to our guests that is heavily oriented to bringing wellness through good nutrition.

Wellness Cuisine. Culinary inspiration to our guests that is heavily oriented to bringing wellness through good nutrition.

Asian Fusion - inventive and flavorful cuisine that use traditional Asian ingredients

Daily Brunch all you can eat with a variety of vegan and vegetarian food, fresh exotic fruits, wide range of juices and non-diary milk. Late lunch designed for intense yoga teacher training to keep energy level up. Artisan Smoothie or Cold-pressed juice included daily.

What makes your training special?

Andaman Yoga Academy: Established by Pioneering Retreat Company in Phuket with Three Studios and Eco-Tour Ventures

Organize Your Own Retreat Overseas: Check-list and Workshop
Gain comprehensive guidance and a detailed checklist on how to organize and execute your very own yoga retreat abroad. Our workshop provides practical insights, from selecting the perfect location to designing transformative experiences for your students.
Explore Phuket: Discover the vibrant culture and natural beauty of Phuket on your days off, guided by our experienced team who tailor adventures specifically for yoga retreats. Immerse yourself in the serene landscapes, Buddhist temples, and rejuvenating activities that complement your yoga journey.
Surfing Experience - Kata Beach: Embrace the thrill of surfing at Kata Beach, renowned as one of Phuket's premier surfing destinations. Our complimentary shuttle service provides easy access to the beach, where you can enjoy expert surf lessons and invigorating sessions amidst breathtaking coastal scenery.
Signature Sound Therapies - Deep Healing Sound Baths: Immerse yourself in our exclusive sound baths, meticulously crafted to promote profound relaxation and inner healing. Delve into a sanctuary of soothing vibrations and harmonic frequencies, guided by experienced practitioners who harness the transformative power of sound.

Early Bird Special
Don't miss out! Secure your spot early and save 10% on our transformative yoga teacher training package. Book 60 days ahead of your on-site training, and embark on a path of mindfulness and growth


If you would like to get notification about new Trainings, please write us email to:

Address: CC's Hideaway
36 Patak Soi 10, PO Box 18 , Karon Post Office, Karon, Phuket
Tel.: +66 76 333 222 | Fax.: +66 76 333 234